Not this winter.
If you were looking for a scantily clothed Victoria's Secret-style fashion show, you will be sadly disappointed (and I will be alarmed), because the name of the "Don't Die of Frozen Limbs" game involves a steady process of adding more and more clothes rather than taking them off.
Here I am. It is 100+ degrees outside and I am in my summer uniform. Add longer pants and a sweat-shirt to this get-up and you get Winter Julia.

Next, long underwear. Did you know that underwear came that way? I heard about them when my mom read me Little House on the Prairie when I was little, so I have ever since associated them with pioneers and covered wagons.

Wool socks alone do not keep your feet warm. You need boots that are rated to keep you feet cold even if it is -148 degrees. I am not exaggerating. Read the specs online for these sweet "little" Baffin Musher Boots. They are actually called that too. Naturally I bought them based off the title...if I actually wind up anywhere where it is -148 degrees, I may just set myself on fire.
Vests! Seriously, I never understood you until recently! I get it now. Cold arms, but warm blood coming from my hyper-heated heart. Brain, to keep you from getting too baffled by the temperature, how about a wind-stopper cap? Ears, who needs to be able to hear, let's just focus on avoiding frost bite.
Oh yeah, I was born in the 90s...never thought I would be dawning another pair of overalls though! And that hat! Have you seen those OmniHeat jacket commercials? Well, that, my friends, is an OmniHeat hat, which basically makes you feel like your brain is being microwaved, which is alarming in the middle of an Arizona summer, but I am sure will be rather comforting in the middle of the winter in Quebec.
Now for the hands. I have ridiculously cold hands. Not with these on though! When I showed them to my mama for the first time, she politely told me that Darth Vader stopped by and he wanted his gloves back.
And finally! Add a parka with one more level of ear protection and some gloves to prevent my corneas from freezing (no really, that happened to the man I am going to be living with during this mushing business during a race last year), and I am all set.
I present to you: The Desert Rat Musher. When I run in the Iditarod, I am going to have that printed on my gear.
That's all it takes right? =P
For the honor and glory.