I am sure I mentioned this previously, but Budapest has been our home base for the Hungary/Romania trip. The first time we left to tour around other Hungarian cities, I was insanely excited. In the four days that we were here initially, I think I learned that my comfort level in a new place is directly related to the height of the buildings. I am used to flat Mesa, Arizona, where yes, you are in a city, but any direction you look, you see mountains (as long as the smog hasn't eaten them up, but that is another story). Well, buildings are tall here--beautiful, but tall--so I started to go a little nuts. Once out of the city, I enjoyed some soul searching, nature time. Maybe it wasn't that intimate, but I definitely pondered the merits of setting up a shack in a few different fields and never leaving.
When we got back to Budapest the first time, we were sedentary for only a night or so before heading out on our Magic School bus to Romania. As much as the 345678 different Romanian cities that we visited in 8 days was an incredibly interesting experience (Communism fell just over 20 years ago, all of the students we met with are the first generation of new democracy, bathrooms usually didn't have toilet paper, etc, etc, etc), never staying in one place for very long was exhausting. Also, it seemed like the last 15 minutes of every single bus ride (which ranged from 2-7 hours long throughout the Romania tour) involved me going into a bus rage because I wanted to get out of the bus so freaking bad. I believe I threatened to eat seat cushions and break through windows with my forehead if we didn't get to our destinations soon.
So now, with three short days for this portion of my trip, I am so excited to be back in Budapest, staying in one hotel for a whole four nights in a row. The buildings may still be tall, but at least they don't take a 3 hour bus ride to get too. I am excited to continue exploring here even more--yesterday, my friend Olivia and I discovered a four-story book store, coffee shop, art gallery extravaganza. More awesome finds to come in the remaining couple of days I am sure.
Katherine, Amy, and me pre three hour bus ride. See how happy we look? Notice the word PRE.
I saw this yesterday in Budapest and sort of freaked out. I can guarantee you that a year ago, this would have never been here. Good work, y'all.
T Best "purchase" ever was the free panoramic picture ap on my phone. This is taken from the Citadel island between Buda and Pest, on the Danube River.
From the tippy top of the citadel.
Paul and Cary. Does it look like Paul practices that smile? Because he does. (he is a theater major though, so cut him some slack)
Shannon and Olivia. Does it look like Shanan practices that smile? Well, maybe he should.
For the honor and glory.
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