Well, that was an eventful morning! We
don’t usually run the dogs on Sundays here at Miortuk Kennels, but warmer
weather in the forecast for the week forced us to do so while it was still cold
today. And by cold, I mean, when I looked at the thermometer at 5 am, it
read…0. The Arizona girl in me was tempted to wonder if that meant that the
batteries were dead or something, but then the American girl in my head went on
a bit of a rant about how she finally realized whey her country is one of five
in the word to NOT use the metric system: because those who do are clearly
masochists for two main reasons.
Reason A: “0” is a deceptively neutral number. When we have 0 apples to
share, this means nobody gets any apples and everything is fair. When we have 0
degrees, the score is Nature-1, Julia-nil. Nature is winning by a long shot,
and she typically is a poor sport who blows raspberries at you as your ears
freeze off.
Reason B: Why would you
choose to have nothing, when you could have something? I mean, 32 is not a lot,
but I would rather have 32 apples if I could than 0 apples. Even if the 32
apples are just imaginary apples, at least your mentally feel like you have
something. I mean, who played house as a kid and said “well, I am gonna pretend
to be a princess and I don’t have anything.” (come to think of it, I was really obsessed with playing orphans
and street urchins when I was little, but we have established that I was just
Why all this talk about apples you say?
Welllllllll, because on Thursday, I met my second favorite person in all of
Quebec (yes of course Stan, you are the first =D): THE VEGETABLE LADY! After a
week of not so many vegetables here at the chalet, I learned that I do not just
have a fondness for all things green and vegetabally, I have a full blown addiction.
It seemed very fitting then, that Vegetable Lady sells her blessed bounty from
the back of a van on a side street in St. Michel des Saints. I was literally
shaking with giddiness as I bought a bag of apples, 3 GIANT broccolis, cauliflower,
2 MASSIVE leaks, a bag of tomatoes, 2 bags of the crunchiest carrots ever, 5
zucchinis the size of my forearm, and 5 HUGE red peppers. Vegetable Lady upsold
me on everything, but I was a willing victim of her consumeristic schemes,
buying things like celery that I don’t even really like, but hey, they are
green. The excitement continued when Stan proceeded to purchase 25 pounds of
beets, 3 cabbages, 50 pounds of potatoes, bunches of green onions, and some
green peppers to round it all off. Good buys, and good timing, as my veggie
deprivation was leading me to want to eat all of the mushrooms, moss, bark, and
berries that surround me here in the northern forest.
Anyway, I didn’t travel to Quebec for the
vegetables, but the dogs of course! Running this week has been pretty exciting,
with the yearlings (dogs between 1 and 2 years old) first run yesterday, and
some really great runs from the A and B team throughout the week. I am back to
my usual self after a brief hiatus with my ubber bruised arms and legs from
hauling dogs and jumping on ATVs and getting my legs tangled in gang lines and
chains. Oh, and biting dogs…or one biting dog in particular-Bergen-who is my
best friend in the kennel, but loses her mind in the middle of a run with
excitement, so naturally responds to me untangling her with biting. It is a
real joy. No hard feelings though =D
Enough of my ramblings though, I know you only
come here for the pictures! So here they are, and as always, I will get to
continue my ramblings in the form of all of my very concise captions ;)
Oh, (haha you thought you were home free) I
plan to start a French-only blog to practice my writing in this land of the
French Canadians. I have had several great opportunities to practice my
conversational French, though as one of Stan’s friends told me this week,
“Quebecers don’t speak good French, nor do they speak good English,” so
occasionally it takes more focus to navigate the dialect. Anyway, if you already speak French and want
to follow my life in French AND English (you brave and bored soul), I will post
the links as they come. If you don’t speak or read French, I am not sure why
you have even continued reading until this last sentence.
Noooootttt the best way to start the pictures, but meet putine. It is French fries, gravy, and cheese curd. No, absolutely not was this my meal. I will not touch that "squeak-squeak cheese" concoction. Stan only likes it if it is the diet version... (don't let him fool you, he throws that word into things to make them seem healthy. It is a lie.)

My name is Hinto and I like playing with my bowl and Julia. Especially when she gives me the bowl full of food.
See a trend here?
Pearl Pippin
Pearl again Katie
Bergen Tanya
There is not much I can say to sum up how awesome this is =D
Had a great time playing construction time this week with Stan, building new insulated dog houses for the winter. 3 down, 3 to go.
And now some nature. I feel quite blessed to be living where I am living right now. I may not be able to go to church every weekend like I would like to, but I am really and truly in God's good earth, and I am very grateful.
For the honor and glory.
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