Friday, August 23, 2013

No does a desert rat discover dog mushing?

After showing you what a wannabe dog musher looks like in my previous post, I was planning on dedicating this entire post to explaining exactly what is going on with this little adventure I am rapidly approaching. It would take about 5 years to type out the whole story explaining how exactly a Mesa Arizonan finds herself on a trajectory of Iditarod dreams, and while you may have been entertained for awhile, you would eventually get irritated with my ranting ramblings and probably pray for Buck from Call of the Wild to come eat me like he did everyone in the book before all was said and done. SO. Conveniently for both of us, the story is actually comical enough that I recently did a stand up performance explaining the whole thing. Now you don’t even have to know how to read. Pretty cool, huh?

Disclaimer for Stan Morgan: Don't worry, I am not actually that alarmed about coming to live with you.  Telling people you are moving in with a man you met on the internet just makes a great story =D

For the honor and glory.